666 Zlotych
666 Zlotych


Yet the reactions of the visitors were not so easy to predict, and ranged from indifference to active and vociferous indignation. To teenage boys
especially, the piece proved hard to resist, and many coins disappeared.

This made me think about the way the gallery context ‘primes' a viewer
into expectation of an encounter with ‘art’, and that one must be judicious in the selection of sites outside the gallery context and its audience, if one is to give the generating of meaning a chance to occur.

666 Zlotych


Yet the reactions of the visitors were not so easy to predict, and ranged from indifference to active and vociferous indignation. To teenage boys
especially, the piece proved hard to resist, and many coins disappeared.

This made me think about the way the gallery context ‘primes' a viewer
into expectation of an encounter with ‘art’, and that one must be judicious in the selection of sites outside the gallery context and its audience, if one is to give the generating of meaning a chance to occur.