W&P Postcard Archive #001
W&P Postcard Archive #001

Installed at Galeria Stary Browar,
Poznan, Poland
120 postcards
dimensions variable

This installation is the first Words&Pictures archival project, an on-going series in which I try to bring together all of my writings and images.

These 120 postcards comprise a miniature retrospective of my work from 1994 to 2004. Each postcard is a reduced hand-made version of a previous work, photograph, sketch or diagram. The cards were displayed in the exhibition “Wszystko za 5zl / Everything for a Fiver”, and were on sale for £5 each.

W&P Postcard Archive #001

Installed at Galeria Stary Browar,
Poznan, Poland
120 postcards
dimensions variable

This installation is the first Words&Pictures archival project, an on-going series in which I try to bring together all of my writings and images.

These 120 postcards comprise a miniature retrospective of my work from 1994 to 2004. Each postcard is a reduced hand-made version of a previous work, photograph, sketch or diagram. The cards were displayed in the exhibition “Wszystko za 5zl / Everything for a Fiver”, and were on sale for £5 each.